New In-App Reporting with Workbooks
All Slope users now have access to our new in-app reporting workbooks powered by Sigma. This beta launch includes the ability to view projection results using the Projection Run Summary Workbook and create new workbooks from within the Execute or Analyze module. The new workbooks module allows for the creation of reports with fewer clicks, better data joining, union and pivoting capabilities as well as improved data loading.
The following improvements have been made to the Workbooks module since launch:
- Debug links are now available on both pivoted (e.g. Time Indexed Results tiles) and non-pivoted (e.g. Non-Time Indexed Results) data tables
- The projection details have been moved from the top of the page to under the Projection Details tab to allow for more real estate for Workbooks and Run Logs
- The status and projection ID now displays at the top of the page on the right and left respectively for easy viewing and copying of the projection ID
- Column freezing has been added to workbook tables. Frozen columns are always visible, even when scrolling horizontally through the table. To freeze a column and any columns before it, open the column’s menu and select ‘Freeze up to column’.
- New ALM Company and ALM Portfolio Workbooks are available in the System folder. These two workbooks replace the Company Duration/Convexity, Portfolio Duration/Convexity and ALM Dashboards.
NOTE: Looker Dashboards (“Dashboards” tab in the application) will be completely removed from the application on December 31, 2022. To aid in your adoption and migration we have support and FAQ documentation available here, a Projection Summary workbook and a training workbook which provides guidance on working with Slope data. All reports you wish to keep must be recreated in the Workbooks module prior to the December sunset date. Contact and your account representative with any questions you have.
Drop Down Lists for Data Tables
Drop Down Lists column types are now available on Data Tables to restrict data table values and prevent data errors. The list of values is defined using a static array (shown below).
Once the possible values have been defined in an array, the array is selected as the source for the drop down list column on the Table Structure screen. Below is an example of data table using a drop down list column. You’ll see the list of potential values matches those defined on the array and when a value is entered that doesn’t match the options, there is a red error on the cell.
For instructions on how to configure a Data Table column to use a Drop Down List, please see the “Using Drop Down List column types to restrict data table values” section of our Data Tables documentation.
Switching between Decrement Table and Improvement Scale Versions
Users can now see which version of a decrement table and/or improvement scale they are looking at and switch between the latest and historical versions. This makes it easier to audit historical versions and improves decrement and improvement scale troubleshooting.
Model Copy will now only copy needed Table Structures
When using the Auto-Include required tables feature, only the table structures used by the selected products, portfolios and projection templates will be included in the model copy. When manually selecting data tables, only the table structures for the selected data tables and those referenced by variables from selected products or portfolios will be included. This is so that extraneous table structures are not included in model copies.
API Update
API clients can now add and edit Model Point Filters via the Patch Projection endpoint.
- Model copies will no longer fail when there are data tables with nested decrement tables that are not the latest version. Note: when there are multiple versions copied (e.g. v3 and v4 (latest) they will become v1 and v2 (latest) upon copy.
- Model copies will no longer create multiple v1 (latest) data tables when there are multiple versions included in the copy.
- Added validation for a variable that returns a table that does not match the table structure on variable properties.
- Fixed the table structure validation so it does not erroneously show a validation error when a data table type variable uses If/Then/Else logic.
- Removed blank data table columns from showing up in the Data Tables used section of a projection.
- Fixed redirects to consistently route the user to the desired url upon login.
- Aggregated Non-Time Indexed product variables on dynamically run projections will no longer show duplicate rows for each time period.
- The copy icon next to Projection ID is working again.
- Resolved a model copy issue related to a data table that references another data table and only the parent data table is included in the copy.
- Switching scenarios in the Run Logs will no longer navigate the user back to the Projection Details tab.
- Model Point Filters are once again viewable for completed runs.