Life Library Update 2024.12 Disability Income overhaul and cleanup, new Slope Academy video: Intro to Life Library Design

Individual Disability Income product overhaul

A number of changes were made to the IDI product, with the largest being the separation of Best Estimate, US STAT, and US GAAP calculations from each being contained in separate array values for each basis into separate sets of variables for each basis. This provides the ability to exclude a reporting basis using variable tags if the user does not want to run US STAT and/or US GAAP.

In addition, the model has been cleaned up substantially, including a refresh of the disability incidence and termination rate tables within the model.

IDI Changes

  • Moved array variables based on the Accounting Basis array to separate sets of variables for each basis.
  • Modified gross premium rates to set rates to 0 after time of premium cessation.
  • Added a default of $0 premium starting from Age 0 (lower bound) to table Library Premiums to Age 65 (previously named Flat_To65_EP90) in table structure IDI Premium Rates structure to prevent the table lookups from producing errors at younger attained ages.
  • Moved to a separate variable the reference to the A&H Open Claim Reserve within variable A&H Claim Reserve.
  • Removed unused Premium Type column from the library example Model Point File
  • Deleted unused Premium field from Model Point File definition.
  • The Model Point field for Initial Premium is now optional in the definition since this is only needed for Single Premium policies.
  • Renamed Claim Age variable to Age Attained on Claim to clarify that it represents attained age while on claim rather than age at claim incidence.
  • Renamed the Time of Claim Term variable to Time of Claim Expiry to clarify that it represents the time of expiry (i.e. end of benefit period) rather than a term length.
  • Renamed Incidence Tables table structure to IDI Incidence Tables for clarity.
  • Renamed table structure Inc and Term Table Lookup to Library Incidence and Termination Table Lookup for clarity.
  • Renamed misleading data table name from Flat_To65_EP90 to Library Premiums to Age 65 within table structure IDI Premium Rates.

IDI Fixes

  • All disability incidence and termination rate tables have been updated to correct various issues in the tables’ values.
  • Revised the Library Incidence and Termination Table Lookup table (previously named Inc and Term Table Lookup) to now contain all occupation classes.
  • Fixed inconsistencies in the sample IDI Plan Code Table.
  • Added a condition to several variables to not inappropriately calculate (by setting to zero instead) if irrelevant to the disability status at the projection start date. For example, if a life is Disabled at projection start, then variables specific to Active lives are now set to zero.
  • Modified variables relating to policies in force such that they only calculate for lives that are active at the projection start date, which is consistent with how these variables are currently used in the rest of the IDI product.
  • Fixed issues relating to Unearned Premium Reserve calculations for single premium policies. Corrected product variable US STAT Active Life Reserve – Unearned Premium per Policy and the example plan code table to calculate zero Unearned Premium Reserves for single premium business, which is now always assumed to map to Credit in the US STAT Line of Business column in the example Plan Code table.
  • Fixed an issue where US STAT and GAAP unearned premium reserves were trying to calculate a value after premium payment period ended.
  • Added missing monthly benefit to the library example Model Point File’s records #3 and #4.
  • Turned off Always Calculate switches on a number of variables which were causing unintended calculations in certain circumstances.
  • Added Maximum Coverage Age boundary to the incidence rate variables to prevent them from accidentally calculating incidence rates at unintended ages.
  • Modified the table within structure US STAT Mortality – Individual Disability Income (IDI) to work for issue years 2021 and beyond. Also, collapsed the table structure to use a Range Lower Bound match type rather than Exact Match.
  • Added Premiums Per Year alias to the Premium Mode model point field definition to properly capture the column in the sample Model Point File
  • Corrected variable Reinsurance US GAAP PV YRT Benefits which previously referenced US STAT mortality rather than US GAAP.
  • Corrected variable Maximum Coverage Age (renamed from Maximum Incidence Age) to reference column Coverage to Age from the Plan Code table rather than Maximum Age. This change was done to be more consistent with the Life Library’s design in that Maximum Age refers to the maximum age for model point processing (including the run off of all disability claims) while Coverage to Age refers to the last age of disability incidence. The variable rename clarifies the coverage period also specifies the last period of active life mortality in addition to disability incidence.

Other Library Changes

  • Renamed array value AG35 – CARVM-MVRM to AG35-MVRM in array Indexed Annuity US STAT Valuation Method to be consistent with other AG35 methodologies. 
  • Added new Policy Year column to the Policy Load table structure. As a result, UL variables have been modified to account for new structure.
  • Renamed table structure A&H Incidence Tables to CI Incidence Tables. References in the CI product variables will point to this renamed table.

Other Library Fixes

  • Added a Zero CSV plan code data table for Term Life so that Term Life runs that exclude US Stat variables do not produce errors.
  • Best Estimate Cash Flows templates in the Life Onboarding model references the Zero CSV plan code data table (from previous bullet) so that it does not produce an error when being run.

New Slope Academy video covering Intro to Life Library Design and Concepts

We have published a new Slope Academy video (~25 mins split into 4 parts) for new users of the Slope Life Library. This video covers the initial set up of the library model and a quick overview of the basics of the SLOPE platform in the context of the library model. It is useful for new users of SLOPE or those that are new to using the Slope Life Library and want a quick orientation of general design aspects of the library model. This video also provides ideas to reuse for user-created custom models built within the platform.

Coming Soon

  • Pension Risk Transfer library model
  • Revamped annuity product in Life Library model combining Fixed and Indexed Annuity products with enhanced deposit-based modeling
  • US STAT Updates
  • Bermuda CP2 Updates

Slope Pension (Governmental) Library 2024.09: Multi-Year Projections, Non-Compounding COLAs and Other Enhancements


Multi-Year Projections

There is now a toggle to calculate multi-year projections and a column for the ‘Years to Capture Results’ on the Liability Calculation Controls table.

Open image in a new tab to zoom in.

The “Multi-Year Projection” workbook can now be found in the Slope Pension & OPEB folder. This workbook includes the present value of Future Benefits, Accrued Liabilities, Service Costs, Expected Benefit Payment Streams, Future expected salary levels and future expected head counts.


Non-Compounding COLA for Active and Vested Terminated Payment Forms

The library now includes parameters on the “Benefit Definition – Payment Form” table to permit non-compounding Cost of Living Adjustments for payment forms for active and vested terminated benefit definitions.

Updated Compensation History Interface

A second new interface to define compensation history using a flat participant data file for all participant data that has been provided. This serves as an easier to use alternative to the old interface.

Modified Cash Refund Annuity for Active and Vested Terminated Records

The parameters for Modified Cash Refund Annuity forms of payment have been refined to allow more granular control for Active and Vested Terminated records.


Update to the Projection Limit (time) Variable”

Projection Limit (time) will now stop the projection calculations at the later of the time the participant or his/her beneficiary achieves age 115. Previously, projection calculations were terminated at the earlier of the time the participant or spouse achieves age 115.

Other product variables impacted: “Age Beneficiary (Unrounded)”,  “Age (Unrounded)”

New product variable: “Age Beneficiary (Unrounded) preliminary”


  • “Age Beneficiary Unrounded” logic has been corrected to avoid inconsistency in projections of beneficiary ages for a very specific configuration of retiree parameters.

Library Update 2024.05: Experience Studies & Bermuda BSCR Updates

Updated Experience Study Library 2024.05 and Documentation

We have published a new version of the Experience Study Library Model, named “Experience Study 2024.05”, which includes the following updates and fixes:


  • Can now filter inputs by status codes in addition to Plan and Policy IDs
  • Added a full set of generic rate inputs for Claim Incidence in addition to the existing mortality and lapse rate inputs. This can be used for any measurement of claims incidence rate such as disability or other policyholder election rates.


  • Fixed calculations that sometimes resulted in slightly more/less exposure being attributed to a policy year in leap years for policies issued in the month of February.
  • Corrected an issue in the conversion from annual to monthly factors for mortality and lapse rates.

Additional Documentation

Additionally, we have published three new articles for Experience Studies on the Slope support site:

New Bermuda BSCR Workbook

A new “Bermuda Capital” workbook has been published to show the details of the Bermuda Solvency Capital at a Company level.

This workbook is available in the Slope System workspace under the Bermuda folder.

Note that this workbook does not yet support additional requirements from the Bermuda Consultation Paper dated July 28, 2023 (CP2). An updated version of this workbook will be published alongside upcoming updates to the Life Library to calculate these additional requirements.

Library Update 2024.03: Building Reports Slope Academy Course, ALM Examples, New Workbooks

Slope Academy Course – Building Reports

We have introduced a new Slope Academy video series course “Building Reports in Workbooks” to help users understand the structure of the Slope data model and build reports in Workbooks. You can find the course in Slope Academy in this link

Updated Slope Life Library

ALM Example

Added an example setup to showcase how a user can set up a run incorporating interaction between assets and liabilities. You can find the following in the Assumptions Development section illustrating this:

  • Projection template – “ALM – Pro-Rata Reinvestment Strategy example”
  • Investment/Disinvestment module – several example Investment Strategies and example reinvestment Asset Allocations covering non-callable bonds and equities 

A few workbooks that are useful to review for such calculations include: ALM, Portfolio Summary, and Asset/Purchase Sale Details.

For more detailed information on how to utilize investment and disinvestments, please refer to our support site.

Other Updates

  • Updated Life Onboarding Model to be consistent with 2024.03 Life Library model
  • Added additional parameters to the Whole Life product to provide additional pre-built logic around different death benefit patterns
  • Modified several Whole Life product variables and added an additional table “US STAT AG25 Rates” to enhance modeling capabilities around US STAT AG25 for Pre-need products
  • Renamed all product variables and table columns from Smoker Status to Tobacco Status
  • Updated all references to Smoker/Tobacco Status to reference a Tobacco Status array, with the status options referencing a limited set of options for consistency across the library model. Different tobacco statuses coming in from user inputs are mapped to this limited set in the “Data Mapping – Tobacco” table.
  • Updated all references to Mortality Age Basis to reference an Age Basis basis array with possible values Age Last Birthday and Age Nearest Birthday to maintain consistency across the library model.
  • Indexed Annuity US STAT Reserve can now be set as a choice between the Account Value or Cash Surrender Value
  • Modified the Indexed Annuity Plan Code table column names to clarify that specific columns are related to US GAAP or US STAT
  • Renamed specific Indexed Annuity US STAT Valuation Method array values to clarify that their usage is for AG35
  • “Asset Type” column in the Externally Projected Assets table structure has been split into two columns: “Asset Type” and “Calculate Market Values from Cash Flows?”. Format also moved from integer to a dropdown list with text descriptions for each option to make the options more intuitive throughout the library model.
  • Portfolio Summary workbook now has an additional field in the tooltip showing total invested assets for the period across all asset products
  • ALM workbook now has a “View By” frequency control to dynamically switch the results view between Annual, Quarterly, and Monthly periods.
  • Added minor enhancements and clarifications to the Indexed Annuity workbook around per policy calculations vs. decremented calculations.


  • Company Cash Flow Allocation company variable no longer has the Tax tag, which wasn’t consistent with the current usage of this variable
  • Added missing US GAAP and US Stat product variable tags to a small number of corresponding US GAAP and US Stat related variables
  • Externally Projected Asset product variable Time of Maturity now correctly references an optional Maturity Date model point file field instead of product variable “Term in Months”. If this field is not provided in the model point file, Time of Maturity defaults to 1200 (i.e. 100 years from projection start date).
  • Externally Projected Liability product variable and table structure column “Risk Adjustment” renamed to “Market Value Spread” to avoid confusion with other uses of the term Risk Adjustment. This column’s intent is to specify the spread over risk free rates when calculating market value metrics.
  • Whole Life product variable “Death Benefit Ratio Guaranteed” now references Issue Age product variable field rather than the model point field, allowing the calculation to work when a user provides Date of Birth rather than Issue Age in the model point file.
  • Long Term Care model point field Tobacco Status set to not required which is consistent with the design of the library calculations.
  • Portfolio Summary workbook no longer double counts results in the Invested Assets by Product visual when product output groupings are used in a projection.

New Workbooks

The following workbooks can now be found in the Slope System folder within sub-folder “Liability Products”.

Universal Life

Universal Life Single Policy Details

Whole Life

Whole Life Single Policy Details

Coming Soon

  • Various onboarding initiatives to make it easier for users to find what they need as well as get up to speed with how to work in SLOPE
  • Variable Annuity product
  • IFRS 17 updates

Pension Library Update 2024.01.01: Fixes

Updated Slope Pension Library

General update

Previous versions of the Slope Pension Library have been renamed to the “Slope Pension (Governmental) Library” to distinguish and prepare for the public release of the private sector pension plan library.


  • Corrected references to 415(b) limit inputs in global variables so that the table is nested in Plan Definition Table and not a separate reference in the projection inputs
  • Corrected Annuity calculations to coordinate COLAs during guarantee periods
  • Corrected the interpolation of missing years of compensation history

Version 2024.01 of the Slope Governmental Pension Library has been unpublished so our users do not mistakenly utilize these invalid setups. If you require a copy of this version prior to the fixes, please contact

Library Update 2023.12.01: Fixes

Updated Slope Life Library


Fixed the formula setup of two Solvency II-related Company variables (“Solvency II BSCR Modules Without Reinsurance” and “Solvency II Life Sub-Modules Without Reinsurance”) which were flagged as invalid due to recent updates to the model validation features within SLOPE.

Version 2023.12 of the Slope Life Library has been unpublished so our users do not mistakenly utilize these invalid variables. If you require a copy of the version Slope Life Library 2023.12 (prior to the fixes), please contact

Library Update 2023.08: Pension Library Release, IFRS 17 & Bermuda additions, Pension workbooks

New Pension Library Model

US Governmental Defined Benefit Pension Plans

Slope has published a standard library model for US Governmental Defined Benefit Pension Plans to illustrate an example of how such plans could be modeled in SLOPE. This library model includes the following functionality:

  • Single year valuation and multi year projection of liabilities
  • Customizable Funding Calculations
  • Entry Age Level Accrual Methods

If you would like more information regarding SLOPE’s pension capabilities and how to set up a model, please contact the Slope team.

Updated Slope Life Library


A new “Data Product” was created to enable the integration of the external data for aggregation to high levels and allocation to more granular levels of detail within SLOPE. You can find this Data Product in the list of liability products. Example use cases for this Data Product include uploading: 

  • Experience Data for Experience Adjustments
    • Bottom up model point aggregation of actual premiums, claims, expenses
  • IBNR
    • Bottom up model point aggregation of IBNR
  • Company Expense data
    • Top down allocation of Company level expense data to cohorts using allocation formulas


Calculations for Bermuda reporting requirements have been merged into the standard Slope Life Library model. Library includes support for:

  • Calculations under the Bermuda Solvency Capital Requirements (BSCR) framework, including the Scenarios-based Approach (SBA)
  • Full asset-liability management across the Bermuda standard scenarios

New Run Controls

New Projection Output switches have been introduced to control turning on/off the calculation of each accounting basis. This enables users to have their models focus only on calculations that are relevant for them, which should speed up model run times by having irrelevant calculations disabled. These are configured in the projection settings by setting the data table within the Projection Output Set table structure equal to the desired bases for the run.

For example, if you wish to only run best estimate cashflows only, you would set the data table under Projection Output Set to point to “Default – Cash Flows Only”. See support article on Run Settings for more details

Data Mapping for Gender and Modal Frequency

Data mapping tables have been introduced to map from different data coding standards for both Gender and Modal Frequency (e.g. Premium Mode/Frequency) coming from policy admin systems to standard convention that is used in SLOPE. This enables users to accelerate model development by allowing them to not need to set up variable formulas within SLOPE or ETL scripts to process these data fields to be used in the SLOPE calculations. These mappings are automatically used in the SLOPE Life Library calculations and can be customized to suit each user’s unique needs. This is done in the projection settings by editing the data tables within the “Data Mapping – Gender” and “Data Mapping – Mode-Frequency” table structures.

Product Specific Updates and Fixes

  • Whole Life product now includes Pre-1980 Reserve and Nonforfeiture methods for US reporting
  • Individual Disability Income product updated to use calculated range arrays for claim calculations
  • Fixed an issue related to the timing of reported investment income that occurred when buying an inforce bond on dates other than the coupon payment date

New Workbooks

Governmental Pensions

  • Pension Trace Lives (Active, Retirees)
  • Multiple Trace Lives Summary
  • Pension Liabilities by Benefit Definition
  • Pension Liability by Participant
    Presents a single summary of liability for each valued participant by status

Note: New workbooks for Pensions can be found in the “Slope Pension & OPEB” workspace folder which can be accessed via the folder icon in the lower left corner of the Projection Modules in the Workbooks tab. If you would like access to the Pension workbooks for your workspace, please contact the Slope team.

Coming Soon

  • Experience Study Module
  • Additional IFRS 17 validation workbooks