July 2024: Model Documentation Export, Multi-Factor Authentication, New API Endpoints & Use Annual Effective Rate for Short-Term Interpolation on Scenario Tables,


Export Variable Properties and Formulas for Model Documentation

Users can now extract a list of their variables with the properties, tags, documentation, formula, last modified date and user to provide model documentation for audits, regulators, internal review and troubleshooting. Learn more here.

This is an example of the Product Variables tab on the export.
The ‘Export Documentation’ button is found in the ‘Go To’ Menu of the Model Development Module.

Multi-Factor Authentication

Slope users can now setup multi-factor authentication (MFA) without having to be on Single Sign On. To configure MFA, click the user menu in the top right of the application > Administration > Privacy and Security tab.

Clicking the Set Up button found on the Privacy and Security tab will walk you through enabling MFA.

New API Endpoints

  • Copy Projection Endpoint: Allows users to copy an existing projection ID instead of having to create a projection template.
  • Get Decrement Table Endpoint: Allows users to get the decrement tables on their model including the ID, name, type, improvement year and select period frequency.

Read more about the available Slope API Endpoints here.


Use Annual Effective Rate for Short-Term Interpolation on Scenario Tables

Users can now specify how the short-term spot rates (durations 0-5 months) on scenario tables are calculated. In the past, the short term interpolation method was always from zero. Now users can select to interpolate from zero or use the annual effective rate.

All existing scenario tables will remain set to ‘from zero’ but newly created tables will have ‘Use annual effective rate’ selected by default.

NOTE: This parameter will be added to the Post and Patch Scenario Table endpoints on the API in the future. In the interim, the API will default to using the annual effective rate for the short term interpolation method.

Additional Enhancements

  • A model copy performance improvement was made to reduce the time users need to wait for their model to finish copying.
  • Only the headers and elements with errors on the validation details screen will show in red to prevent users from thinking there are errors on objects that do not have any errors.
  • The model point default value will be used when the column does not exist in the model point file and the field is not required on the model point file definition.


  • API users will no longer get a 500 error when uploading the same model point filter on two products at once.
  • Resolved a ‘No data table found’ error on some projections with long running static products.
  • Resolved a ‘Failed to start’ error on projections when the scenario structure does not have any yield curve points on it.
  • Resolved a model copy issue that was resulting in the copy hanging when projection templates were included.
  • Data table headers are no longer case sensitive on import.
  • Extra columns in a file are again being ignored when uploading a data table.