Re-Run a Projection with a Different Model
You can now re-run a projection using a new model. This is often done to try and reproduce or compare results after making updates to a model copy. When switching a model, Slope will attempt to map the settings, scenario table, variable scoping controls, portfolios, sales allocations, investment strategies, products and data tables using the name. Learn more here.

Mass Merge Decrement Tables
The governance module now allows users to select multiple or all decrement tables from one model and merge them into another mode.

- The target model in the governance module will now show the full name upon hover.
- Assumption sets will again allow the user to view and change the table selected in the assumption set.
- Debug view will no longer erroneously show ‘No Result Available’ when a result is available.
- Corrected an issue in which an error message was not providing the correct error source for a Calculated Range where the start and end values were matching.
- Debug view is now showing products that are not directly configured on a portfolio (e.g. investment products)