Mass Merge Product, Portfolio and Company Variables
The Governance module now allows users to merge multiple variables at once so that each variable does not have to be individually merged one at a time. Users can merge select or all variables at the same level (product, portfolio or company). All dependent variables included in the mass merge will be automatically mapped for a more efficient experience.
Select ‘Product Variables’ (or another level) on the left panel, check the checkbox for the desired variables and click the ‘Merge # Changes’ button to mass merge variables.
Model Links in Compare & Merge Models Module
Users can now open the source and target models in a new tab from with the Compare & Merge Models module so they can easily review the details of those models on another tab.
The orange arrow icon opens the selected Source or Target model in a new tab.
Input Tables on Workbooks
Input tables allow users to incorporate supplemental data into their reports. They allow users to integrate new data points into their analysis and augment existing data to facilitate rapid prototyping, advanced modeling, forecasting, what-if analysis, and more—without overwriting source data or having to incorporate input data into Slope models.
For more information on incorporating Input Tables in your workbooks, visit our support article here.
HPM now honors the error limit set on projections.
Model point file definition field names (headers) are now case insensitive for HPM runs.
Merging a variable change consistently removes indirect array references as appropriate.
Force recalc variables for dynamically run products are consistently being output for time periods during the projection period.
Projection time is again being consistently set for force recalc variables for all time periods in the debug view.
Main variable result is again showing at the top of the debug view when an array value is selected.
Invalid product range array configuration is being consistently captured by validation.
Drag and drop is no longer freezing when the user opens the relationship view in another tab while using the formula editor.
Model point field merges are again successfully being merged.
Slope has published a standard library model for US Governmental Defined Benefit Pension Plans to illustrate an example of how such plans could be modeled in SLOPE. This library model includes the following functionality:
Single year valuation and multi year projection of liabilities
Customizable Funding Calculations
Entry Age Level Accrual Methods
If you would like more information regarding SLOPE’s pension capabilities and how to set up a model, please contact the Slope team.
Updated Slope Life Library
A new “Data Product” was created to enable the integration of the external data for aggregation to high levels and allocation to more granular levels of detail within SLOPE. You can find this Data Product in the list of liability products. Example use cases for this Data Product include uploading:
Experience Data for Experience Adjustments
Bottom up model point aggregation of actual premiums, claims, expenses
Bottom up model point aggregation of IBNR
Company Expense data
Top down allocation of Company level expense data to cohorts using allocation formulas
Calculations for Bermuda reporting requirements have been merged into the standard Slope Life Library model. Library includes support for:
Calculations under the Bermuda Solvency Capital Requirements (BSCR) framework, including the Scenarios-based Approach (SBA)
Full asset-liability management across the Bermuda standard scenarios
New Run Controls
New Projection Output switches have been introduced to control turning on/off the calculation of each accounting basis. This enables users to have their models focus only on calculations that are relevant for them, which should speed up model run times by having irrelevant calculations disabled. These are configured in the projection settings by setting the data table within the Projection Output Set table structure equal to the desired bases for the run.
For example, if you wish to only run best estimate cashflows only, you would set the data table under Projection Output Set to point to “Default – Cash Flows Only”. See support article on Run Settings for more details
Data Mapping for Gender and Modal Frequency
Data mapping tables have been introduced to map from different data coding standards for both Gender and Modal Frequency (e.g. Premium Mode/Frequency) coming from policy admin systems to standard convention that is used in SLOPE. This enables users to accelerate model development by allowing them to not need to set up variable formulas within SLOPE or ETL scripts to process these data fields to be used in the SLOPE calculations. These mappings are automatically used in the SLOPE Life Library calculations and can be customized to suit each user’s unique needs. This is done in the projection settings by editing the data tables within the “Data Mapping – Gender” and “Data Mapping – Mode-Frequency” table structures.
Product Specific Updates and Fixes
Whole Life product now includes Pre-1980 Reserve and Nonforfeiture methods for US reporting
Individual Disability Income product updated to use calculated range arrays for claim calculations
Fixed an issue related to the timing of reported investment income that occurred when buying an inforce bond on dates other than the coupon payment date
New Workbooks
Governmental Pensions
Pension Trace Lives (Active, Retirees)
Multiple Trace Lives Summary
Pension Liabilities by Benefit Definition
Pension Liability by Participant Presents a single summary of liability for each valued participant by status
Note: New workbooks for Pensions can be found in the “Slope Pension & OPEB” workspace folder which can be accessed via the folder icon in the lower left corner of the Projection Modules in the Workbooks tab. If you would like access to the Pension workbooks for your workspace, please contact the Slope team.