We are hard at work behind the scenes focusing on some larger initiatives, but in the meantime we hope you enjoy this week’s updates!
- Notes can now be added to files after they are uploaded in the file manager.
- The table editors now support Ctrl + Arrow Key functionality, allowing users to quickly move to the beginning or the end of a row or column within a table.
- Scenario tables can now be included during Model Export and Model Copy.
- “0” and “1” are now valid values for booleans when importing files.
- Assumption Sets are now visible on the Inputs Used tab on the model results page.
- On the model validation details page, items that contain only one child entity are now collapsed to save space.
- Input table structure list is now refreshed after editing a table’s name.
- Fixed an issue in some browsers where a login screen was sometimes appearing when duplicating a browser tab in the Results module.
- Fixed an inaccurate validation error message when uploading a new scenario file inline that had the same file name as the existing file.